Reference Material / New UID Allocations
New UID Allocations

In order to ensure the integrity of the DICOM UID system, DicomObjects incorporates a mechanism for the automatic allocation of unique identifiers.  This is used in the following circumstances:

In order to guarantee that UIDs generated are unique, it is important that the machine is given a unique UID root under the registry entry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Medical Connections/DicomObjects/UIDRoot
As a service to its customers, Medical Connections will provide a guaranteed unique UID root to anyone needing one for use with DICOM, and if you do not have one, you are strongly advice to obtain one by visiting:


Of course, you must then devise a system for allocating machine roots below this, but addition of simple sequential number to your root from Medical Connections is simple and effective.  E.g. if you are given UID 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.50, then machines could be allocated


1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.50.2 etc.

under the above registry key.

The UIDs generated use the date, time and an incrementing counter appended to these vales to ensure that each UID is unique.  These may use up to 20 characters, so please make sure that each machine’s UID root is less than 43 characters to ensure that the resulting UIDs comply with DICOM’s 64 character limit (all lengths include the dots).